Identifying the Problem

We are all guilty of it, and no matter how many times we say to ourselves "NEVER AGAIN!!" we still answer calls on our mobile phone after hours from numbers we don't recognise and then we regret it.

So What is the Problem?

Business is important and we want to get every call possible to make those sales or get those enquiries but at the end of the day as humans we need to unwind and switch off. But not switch off completely, we still want contact from family and friends. Sometimes we need to keep our mobile phone on all night in case of emergencies, like elderly parents, teenage children or to bail out friends. If the phone rings out of business hours you want it to be a social call.

The problem is that we give our personal mobile phone number out for work.

What if there was another number you could hand out to people that when people called it would ring your mobile?

What if you could control what times it would allow calls to ring though to your mobile?

Well that is all possible and a whole lot more, its simple and it works!